Treatment of Pelvis & Lumbar Spine 2: The Integrated Pelvis: August 2025




Friday 15 to Sunday 17 August 2025

Pre-requisite:Treatment of the Pelvis & Lumbar Spine Level 1 Course

Course hours/ PD points: 26.0 includes online component

Sydney 2023

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The Integrated Pelvis: Advanced Treatment of Pelvis & Lumbar Spine with links to the Thorax, Hip & Dural system

A Functional approach to assessment, treatment & rehab for Lumbo-Pelvic Stability & integration of links to the Thorax, hip and dural system

How do you decide if the pelvis is the primary driver of altered function vs the thoracic rib complex, Hip joint or cranium?

When the pelvis is the primary driver, what treatments will be most effective, in what order to restore function?

This 3 day advanced course builds on the articular and Muscle Energy Techniques for the Pelvis & lumbar taught in Level 1 course and expands into whole body assessment to determine the primary source of impairment. You will then learn how & when to manipulate the SIJ, vs how/when to integrate myo-fascial releases, neural and dural techniques into treatment. This is followed by a discussion into the effects of joint dysfunction on muscular activation and motor control and how to create a specific program for rehabilitation of core stability and graded retraining of optimal lumbo-pelvic stabilisation according to your patients presentation. You will also learn ways to determine the impact of thoracic, rib ring, hip and dural tension on whole body function

Course Aims:

  • 3 1/2 hours of pre-course video presentations to review anatomy and biomechanics of the pelvis and lumbar spine and the definitions of joint stability and functional load transfer through the lumbo-pelvic region (3 pre-course webinars)
  • Apply a biomechanical model in order to define dysfunction in the lumbo-pelvic- hip region
  • Present a biomechanical framework as a basis for assessment & differential diagnosis of regions of the body that may be triggering altered pelvic function, vs how to determine when the pelvis or hip are the primary source of impairment.
  • Consider how to assess the effect of altered pelvic muscle activation on the hip joint and how to change this
  • Provide practical sessions during which muscle energy and articular techniques for specific Musculo-skeletal dysfunctions of the lumbar spine, pubic symphysis and sacroiliac joints are taught.
  • Discuss the application of specific manipulation techniques for the sacroiliac joint, with practical application
  • Discuss and apply assessment techniques to diagnose true instability of the Pubic symphysis and SIJ in comparison to functional insufficiency of pelvic stability
  • Discuss and practice Integrating myo-fascial techniques, neural and dural techniques into patient management
  • Practical application of a specific exercise program for retraining lumbo-pelvic stability and improved hip function (plus pre-course presentation)
  • Practical application of  specific myo-facial releases and exercise programs for retraining control of the pelvis on the hip
  • Assessment of the relationship between the Thorax, rib rings and pelvic control

 Pre-requisite: Previous attendance at Level 1 Treatment of the Pelvis & Lumbar spine course

 AMTA 2025 Schedule for "The Integrated Pelvis: Advanced Treatment of the Pelvis & Lumbar Spine" level 2

Dates: Friday 15- Sunday 17 August 2025. 

Venue: Adina Apartment Hotel Surry Hills, Sydney

Address: 359 Crown Street, Surry Hills       

TEL: 02 8302 1000

Sign in and registration at the course: From 8.15am Friday @ Fitzroy Room, Ground Floor Adina Surry Hills

Course times: 9am to 5.15pm Friday & Saturday, Sunday 9am- 4.45pm finish on Sunday

More details will be provided with course confirmation after registration and payment has been received.

 Booking Accommodation: This hotel will provide a 10% discount on their scheduled rates if you let them know that you are attending this AMTA course and the course dates. BOOK ONLINE @ or call TOGA Reservations:+61 2 9356 5062




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