Teaching Brain Games to retrain Motor Control: Retraining Lumbo-Pelvic Stability. 1 day course Friday 10 September 2021


SYDNEY: Friday 10 September 2021

Time: 9am - 5pm

7.5 Course hours/ PD points

This Course can be made into a 3 day event by booking our Treatment of the Pelvis level 1 course that will run on 11-12 September in Sydney. In order to receive a 5% discount on this course you will need to book the Sydney Treatment of the Pelvis level 1 course first and contact us on office@amta.com.au for the promotion code for this course discount

Retraining lumbo-pelvic stability in patients with back pain is often difficult due to the severity and complexity of their symptoms. Postural habits, poor movement control, and altered timing of muscle recruitment can perpetuate pain and difficulty regaining functional stability. Rehabilitation is therefore complex and requires an understanding of the changes that occur in a patients body and mind due to pain, and requires the correct tools to retrain them towards optimal movement and stability.

Barb and Jay are back in 2021 to run this highly practical 1 day course that reviews anatomy & biomechanics, and the science of motor control retraining in order to create a framework for assessment of lumbo-pelvic stability and motor control. It then provides a practical framework to address your patients dysfunction and determine how to release and turn off overactive muscles in the low back, pelvis, and hips. You will learn how to unwind overactive muscles in 3D and practice ways to assist this at home. We then focus onretraining postural awareness, and improve your patients understanding of their movement patterns and pain so that they can be actively involved in their rehabilitation. Retraining core stability and gluteal muscle activation is then integrated into a progressive rehabilitation program that aims to improve functional capacity and stability.

Course Content


Course outline

  • A model of lumbo-pelvic function & stability
  • Anatomy of the lumbo-pelvic region
  • Low back pain and altered motor control

Practical session 1: Clinical assessment of functional stability for:

  • Lumbo-pelvic region
  • Pelvis on hip
  • Theory of core muscle rehabilitation

Practical session 2: Unwinding overactive muscles& core control and retraining

Practical 3:  Integrating core activation into movement

Practical session 4: Retraining postural control during functional activities

Practical Session 5: Integration of core and gluteal muscle function

  • Gluteus medius muscle retraining
  • Gluteus maximus activation and functional progressions
  • Progression of exercises in the clinical setting
  • How to set homework for patients and timeframes for improvement

Teaching Brain Games to retrain Motor Control: Retraining Lumbo-Pelvic Stability. 1 day course

AMTA 2021 Schedule:

SYDNEY:          Friday 10 September 2021                  

Venue: Adina Apartment Hotel Surry Hills

Address: 359 Crown Street, Surry Hills       

TEL: 02 8302 1000

Booking Accommodation: This hotel will provide a 10% discount on their scheduled rates if you let them know that you are attending this AMTA course and the course dates. BOOK ONLINE @ tfehotels.com/adinahotelsor call TOGA Reservations:+61 2 9356 5062

More details will be provided with course confirmation after registration and payment has been received.



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