Pain and Dysfunction of the Lumbar Spine and Pelvic Region

Back and pelvic pain affects a large percentage of the western populations today, and can strike irrespective of fitness level, gender, or occupation. It can affect the daily life of young and old, hindering full potential at work, home or during sporting activities.

The significance of the pelvis in producing low back pain and referred pain into the buttock or legs, or altering muscle function in the pelvic region is becoming increasingly evident (Hungerford et al 2003; Lee, 2004; Vleeming, 1995). Schwarzer et al (1995) found 18 - 35% of their chronic low back pain patient population sample to have symptoms related to the sacroiliac joint of the pelvis.

The symptoms of pelvic pain are varied and Pelvic pain is often less understood than low back pain Pelvic dysfunction often occurs after a fall onto the bottom or knee, a lifting injury, or may occur during labour. The symptoms of pelvic pain are varied, from pain with sitting and rising from sitting, pain in the pelvic and buttock region with walking or standing on one leg, groin pain, or even altered control of bladder function. Both the sacroiliac joints and the pubic symphysis can be involved, and can decrease the effectiveness of core muscle activation so that lumbo-pelvic stability is insufficient to cope with normal daily activities.

If you think you may be suffering from the symptoms of lumbar or pelvic dysfunction, please seek the advice of a medical practitioner or health professional who has a special interest in this area. Dr Barbara Hungerford works as part of a team at Sydney Spine and Pelvis physiotherapy Centre, a physiotherapy practice that has a special interest in treating pain and injury related to all regions of the spine and pelvis. To find out more about SSP Phsiotherapy please go to

Pregnancy related dysfunction of the Pelvic Region

For more information about pelvic pain during and after pregnancy, please go to