Myofascial release techniques for the Lumbo-Pelvic region, Hip and Lower limb

1 day course


Presented by

PETA GOSBEE (M. Physiotherapy, B.App.Sc Ex.Sports Sci.


LIZ NOAD (M. Physiotherapy, B.App. Sci Ex.Sports Sc, Dip Massage Therapy)

Assisted by: DR BARBARA HUNGERFORD PhD (B.App.Sci.Physiotherapy.  MAPA, S.M.A)




By popular demand, we have created a practical 1 day course to teach a variety of techniques for releasing muscles, fascia, and neurofascial structures for the lumbar spine to lower quadrant. These techniques have evolved from  Barb’s years of clinical practice and incorporate releasing a variety of tissues at different levels to ease pain, tension, and improve stability.

Course Aims:

  • review anatomy of the muscles, fascia, and neural pathways of the lumbar spine, pelvis, hip and lower limb
  • review the background of myofascial releases and neural glide techniques
  • Integrate myo-fascial, neurofascial viscera-ligamentous techniques into treatment for lumbo-pelvic, hip and lower limb disorders
  • Provide practical sessions to:
  • Pre-requisite: none
    • Release the fascia and muscles of the lumbar spine
    • Release muscles, fascia, ligaments and neural tissue in the pelvis and hip
    • Release muscles, fascia, neurofascial tissue in the lower limb to the foot
    • Present techniques for decompression of tissue affecting the nerve root and disc material

Course times:
Day 1: 8.30am to 5pm
NB. Course times may vary between venues, so please check with the course coordinator.

In 2014, this course will be held in Sydney & Launceston.

AMTA 2015 Schedule

Sydney:          Sunday 9 August 2015 Adina Apartment Hotel Surry Hills

Course times:          Please check list below for course times as they may change according to the venue and date

NB: These Course fill very quickly and Full Payment is the only means to confirm your place on the Course with AMTA.






AUGUST 2015:       

Sunday 8 August  (8.30-4.45pm)

Sydney NSW

Course presenter:

Dr Barb Hungerford
Course Venue: Adina Apartment Hotel Crown Street, Surry Hills

Cost: Earlybird $374.00 (incl GST)

($407.00 after 30.06.15)
amta_2015_course_registration_form.pdf amta_2015_course_registration_form.pdf

Ph: 0438 588 201
Fax: (02) 97199113







To book a course, please contact the course organizer listed.