Treatment of Pelvis & Lumbar Spine. Level 1:an Introduction to Muscle Energy Techniques
Suggested Reading List-
(These articles will help your knowledge but are not essential pre-reading)
Damen, L et al (2001) |
Pelvic Pain during pregnancy is associated with asymmetric laxity of the sacroiliac joints ActaObstetricia et Gynecol. Scandinavia 80 (11); 1019-1024 |
Damen L et al (2002) |
Does a pelvic belt influence sacroiliac joint laxity? Clinical Biomechanics, 17, 495-498. |
De Groot M et al (2008) |
The Active Straight Leg Raise test in women: differences in muscle activity & force between patients & healthy subjects. Manual Therapy, 13 (1): 65-74 |
Hungerford B et al. (2004) |
Altered patterns of pelvic bone motion determined in subjects with posterior pelvic pain using skin markers. Clinical Biomechanics, 19: 456-464. |
Hungerford B et al. (2007) |
Evaluation of the ability of physical therapists to palpate intra-pelvic motion with the stork test on the support side, J Physical Therapy, 87(7), 879-887 |
Lee Diane (2007) |
The Pelvic girdle: an approach to examination & treatment of the lumbo-pelvic–hip region. Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh |
Lee D. &Vleeming A (2000) |
Current concepts on Pelvic Impairment. IFOMT 2000, Perth, Conference Proceedings. Nov 2000. pp 118-123 |
Mens et al (2002) |
Validity of the Active Straight Leg Raise test for measuring disease severity in patients with posterior pelvic pain after pregnancy. Spine, 27 (2), 196-200 |
O’Sullivan P et al (2002) |
Altered motor control strategies in subjects with SIJ pain during the Active straight leg raise test. Spine 27(1) pE1-8 |
Palsson T & Graven-Nielsen T (2012) |
Experimental pelvic pain facilitates pain provocation tests & causes regional hyperalgesia. Pain. 153(11): 2233-2240 |
Panjabi M et al (1988) |
Spinal Stability and Intersegmental Muscle Forces. Biomechanical Model. Spine. 14 (2) pp 194-199 |
Pool-Goudzwaard A, et al (2003) |
The iliolumbar ligament: its influence on stability of the sacroiliac joint. Clinical Biomechanics, 18 99-105 |
Robinson et al (2007) |
The reliability of selected motion & pain provocation tests for the Sacroiliac joint. Manual Therapy. 12: 72-79 |
Schwarzer A, April C., Bogduk N. 1995 |
The Sacroiliac Joint in Chronic Low Back Pain. Spine. 20(1): 31-37 |
Snijders, al. (1993) |
Transfer of lumbosacral load to iliac bones & legs. Pt I biomechanics of self bracing and its significance for treatment and exercise. Clinical biomechanics. 8: 285-294. |
Selkow et al (2009) |
Short term effect of Muscle Energy technique on pain inindividuals with non-specific lumbopelvic pain. J Man &Manip Therapy. 17(1) E14-18 |
Sembrano& Polly (2008) |
How often is low back pain not coming from the back?Spine.34(1) E27-32 |
Vicenzino G. &Twomey L. (1993) |
Side flexion induced Lumbar Spine conjunct rotation and its influencing factors. Australian Journal Physiotherapy 39: 299-306 |
Vleeming. A, et al (1990) |
Relation between form and Function in the Sacroiliac Joint Part I & Part II Spine 15(2): pp30 - 135 |
I would also suggest reviewing pelvis and lumbar spine anatomy.