Retraining Lumbo-Pelvic Stability & Functional Recovery for Back Pain Patients (1 day course)
Exercise Rehabilitation for Lumbo-Pelvic Stability & Functional Recovery
Suggested Reading List
This is a suggested list of interesting articles, rather than pre-requisite reading
Beales, D. et al (2009) Motor control patterns during an Active Straight Leg Raise in chronic pelvic girdle pain subjects. Spine, 34(9), 861-870
Dickx, N. et al (2010) The effect of unilateral muscle pain on recruitment of the lumbar multifidus during automatic contraction. Manual Therapy, 15: 364-369
Grimaldi A. (2011) Assessing lateral stability of the hip and pelvis. Manual Therapy, 16(1): 26-32
De Groot M et al (2008) The Active Straight Leg Raise in pregnant women: differences in muscle activity & force between patients & healthy individuals. Man Ther. 13: 68-74
Hides J. et al (2008) Multifidus size & symmetry among chronic LBP & healthy asymptomatic subjects. Manual Therapy. 13 (1): 43-49
Hodges, P. (1999) Is there a role for transversus abdominis in lumbo-pelvic stability? Manual Ther. 4 (2): 74-86.
Hodges, P. (2010) Strategies for motor control of the spine & changes in pain: the deep vs superficial muscle debate. 7th Interdisciplinary World Congress Low Back & Pelvic Pain, Los Angeles. 414-419
Hodges P & Moseley L (2003) Pain and motor control of the lumbo-pelvic region: effect & possible mechanisms. J Electromyography & Kinesiology, 361-370
Hungerford B, Gilleard Evidence of altered lumbo-pelvic muscle recruitment in the
Hodges PW., (2003) presence of sacroiliac joint pain. Spine, 28, 1593-1600.
Ko GD ET AL (2017) Case series of ultrasound guided platelet rich plasma injections for Sacroiliac joint dysfunction. J. Back Musc. Rehab. 30: 363-370
Lewis S et al, (2012) The relationships between measures of stature recovery, muscle activity & psychological factors in patients with chronic low back pain. J.Manual Therapy. 17 (1) 27-33.
Lewis et al ( 2015) Postural correction reduces hip pain in adults with acetabular dysplasia. Manual Therapy. 20 508-512
Leetun, DT. Et al.(2004) Core stability measures as risk factors for lower extremity injury in athletes. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 926-934.
Moseley GL et al (2002) Deep & superficial fibres of lumbar multifidus muscle are differentially activated voluntary arm movements. Spine, 27: E29-36
Murakami et al (2007) Effect of periarticular & intraarticular lidocaine injections for Sacro-iliac joint pain: a prospective comparative study. J. Orthop. Sci 12: 274-280
O’Sullivan, P. et al. (2002) Altered motor control strategies in subjects with SIJ pain during the Active straight leg raise test. Spine, 27 (1): E1-E8.
Rasouli al. (2011) Ultrasound measurement of deep abdominal muscle activity in sitting positions with different stability levels in subjects with & without chronic low back pain. Manual Therapy, 16 (4), 388-393
Richardson, C. et al. (2002) The relation between the transversus abdominus mms, SIJ mechanics, & low back pain. Spine, 27(4); 399-405
Saunders et al 2018 What’s old is new again: The Sacro-iliac joint as a cause of lateralizing Low Back Pain. Tomography. 4(2) 72-77
Saunders et al 2018 A comparison of ultrasound guided PRP injection & Prolotherapy for mechanical dysfunction of the Sacroiliac joint. J. Prolotherapy. e992-999
Shadmehr A et al (2012) Changes in recruitment of pelvic stabilizer muscles on people with& without sacro-iliac joint pain during the ASLR test. J. Back Musculo-skel Rehab. 25: 27-32
Stuge B, et al. (2004) The efficacy of a treatment program focusing on specific stabilizing exercises for pelvic girdle pain after pregnancy. Spine, 29 (4), 351-359.
Van Oosterwijck et al (2013) Pain Physiology education improves health status and endogenous pain inhibition in fibromyalgia: a double blind randomized control trial. Clin J Pain. 29(10): 873-82